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Every week, get to know international presenters and power exchange experts Dan & dawn as they bring you an aspect of erotic life - from “how to” sessions by well known instructors; interviews with highly regarded experts and presenters; event reviews from around the nation; to all of their erotic adventures!

Apr 23, 2017

Erotic Awakening Podcast

This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, Dan and dawn talk about metamours and polyamory. How to support them, how to deal with when you hate them, and more!

PLUS they take liberties with Johny Jackhammer and they get part 2 of the studio redesign - a step back? .

Tags? Oh yea we got tags #metamour #polyamory...

Apr 20, 2017

Erotic Awakening Podcast

This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, Dan and dawn talk about BDSM & Aging with the wonderful Allena Gabosch!

PLUS they talk about explaining power exchange to new people (and students).

PlUS Lost Girls!

Tags? Oh yea we got tags #AllenaGabosch...