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Every week, get to know international presenters and power exchange experts Dan & dawn as they bring you an aspect of erotic life - from “how to” sessions by well known instructors; interviews with highly regarded experts and presenters; event reviews from around the nation; to all of their erotic adventures!

Jul 27, 2015

This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, Dan & dawn talk about spankings! Are they erotic? Relationship saver? Just fun? Yes!

Tags? Oh yea we got tags #bdsm #kink #spanking

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Part of the Erotic Awakening Podcast Network Erotic Awakening Podcast Network
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Jul 21, 2015

This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, we talk about rough body play!

PLUS a question of the day we can’t answer - can you?

PLUS Dan scenes with dawn on the podcast; contest feedback; getting called out on your ’20 years in the lifestyle’, and more!

AND join Dan & dawn for a poly intensive in...

Jul 14, 2015

Erotic Awakening Podcast Network

This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, we are talking about subs that are mentoring doms!

THEN we had a lot of great content that went with a missing interview, so we give you some content from that!

AND a lost episode as well, from 45 shows back that was never published! Tags? Oh yea we got tags #bdsm #kink...