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Every week, get to know international presenters and power exchange experts Dan & dawn as they bring you an aspect of erotic life - from “how to” sessions by well known instructors; interviews with highly regarded experts and presenters; event reviews from around the nation; to all of their erotic adventures!

Sep 28, 2010

We talk with Kayar Silkenvoice about Erotica! 
And a slave chat, why being around other people is important, jock straps for charity, TransOhio, calling out Graydancer, how we got started in 30 seconds or less, and dawn gets nervous about the question of the day, but calms down when she realizes it is about blowjobs.

Sep 24, 2010

This week, we ask what the big deal is with these big kink events - should you even go to these? What is the benefit? Why avoid them? 

We talk about our experience with the recent AIS:Central Ohio Perversion Excursion, and then chat with Jsin about the upcoming Spanksgiving event. 

And Dan shares a little bit about...

Sep 17, 2010

On this weeks show, we interview Michael and slave angie on pets (no, not bestially)! 

We also have a great conversation on the difference between "Leather people" and "Kink people". 

Plus - our review of the sexy game Unpredictable, a shout out to our new friend Silkenvoice, and we leave for the Central Ohio...

Sep 8, 2010


On this episode, the History of BDSM. We also talk about Dan's kink in the Question of the Day. We also ask you to play a game (have you ever done reverse cowgirl?), talk about who makes the best peach BBQ sauce, and get to play at a party in Cleveland! 



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