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Every week, get to know international presenters and power exchange experts Dan & dawn as they bring you an aspect of erotic life - from “how to” sessions by well known instructors; interviews with highly regarded experts and presenters; event reviews from around the nation; to all of their erotic adventures!

Feb 23, 2009

This week, we discuss our return from Dark Odyssey:Winter Fire and interview Jay Wiseman

Feb 16, 2009

This week on Erotic Awakening with Dan and dawn

What an interview with Mistress Joanne of Chicago! She is a lot of fun to listen to and was a joy to interact with. And lots of great info for both new people to the scene, and people who have been around for awhile as well

Feb 12, 2009

Dan shares some information about the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, and why supporting them is important.

Feb 12, 2009

Dan and dawn interview the event coordinator of Grale, Sam, who sets up education and presenters for a local alternative lifestyle group

Feb 12, 2009

Dan and dawn interview Barak and Sheba, who run the national event Adventures in Sexuality:Winter Wickedness