Feb 15, 2024
This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, @dananddawn chat with patrons about things they’ve learned on their journey into kink and their plans for 2024. Dan and dawn also reminisce about some of the shows they’ve done over the last 15 years.
Plus, they all talk about their experience with the kink education world going virtual since Covid.
Links mentioned on the show:
New Class Videos by Dan and dawn www.eroticawakening.com (‘classes on demand’ tab)
30 Second Bunny Theater http://angryalien.com/
Dark Odyssey https://fetlife.com/groups/756
Sword of Truth Books https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sword_of_Truth
Gor Books https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gor
Laura Antinoua https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Antoniou
Lee Harrington https://www.patreon.com/passionandsoul
Janet Hardy https://janetwhardyauthor.com/
Raven Keldara https://ravenkaldera.org/
Michelle Belanger https://www.michellebelanger.com/
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