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Every week, get to know international presenters and power exchange experts Dan & dawn as they bring you an aspect of erotic life - from “how to” sessions by well known instructors; interviews with highly regarded experts and presenters; event reviews from around the nation; to all of their erotic adventures!

Jun 19, 2012

Dark fantasies and our own desires can be a challenge, whether we are on the receptive or giving side. Lee looks at two of his recent scenes, and examines his own processing systems and challenges you to do the same. Along the way he discusses energy bodies, identity, asking for our needs, changes in bodies after illness, and more.


Links Mentioned:

Sexual Fantasy Post:

Events Mentioned:

ShibariCon (May 25-28):
Dark Odyssey: Fusion (June 20-25) -
Dark Odyssey: Summer Camp (September 14-19) -

House Kheperu Gathering: